Blog Integration Service

Blogs are one of the most popular new search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques. A Blog is a great asset to any company’s website because it helps generate fresh content for your website. A regularly updated and relevant Blog can add great credibility to your website as well as making it extremely attractive to search engines in relation to SEO. The word Blog is short for web log which means it is a form of online journal on your website.

With a Blog you can share your opinions, new ideas or general information about your industry and your business activities. A Blog can be written by one person or part of a company wide initiative to promote everything new happening in your business and industry.

Blogging is also a great way for gaining feedback on any new products or services that your company may be offering. Blogging provides an instant dialogue with your customer and every blog has a section where readers can comment on what you have written.

However if you have Blog then it is important to be patient with it and remain dedicated to it. There is nothing worse for a visitor than finding a Blog they like and then after a few visits finding out that it hasn’t been updated for some time, they will quickly move on to another Blog.

Blogging is Great for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Blogs are great for search engine optimisation (SEO) and White Hat Media recommend all companies should integrate a Blog into their website. The SEO benefits of Blogs are too significant not to be worth investigating as the content generated from a Blog will help to get your company better search engine positions.

One of the main concepts in SEO is that search engines love fresh content. If a website has dynamic content then search engines will tend to index these websites more often. So using a Blog means you can continuously update the content of your website. Thus the more often you can update your Blog the more the search engines such as Google will crawl and index it.

The more up to date you can keep your Blog and the more people like what you have to say then the chance of backlinks being created to your Blog and website will increase significantly. This too is great for SEO as backlinks to websites play a major role in how well your website ranks in search engines for your main keywords.

White Hat Media have a expert SEO team who specialise in integrating Blogs into websites. Having a blog integrated into your website is a fun and inexpensive way to add credibility, generate new content, and optimise your website for search engines. Added to the fact that some Blogs get up to a thousand readers every day, can you afford not to have a regular Blog as part of your website?